A church committed to helping people meet, know, and follow Jesus

If you look out over our facilities, you will find that it can be a little overwhelming trying to have a plan to care for all the different aspects of our grounds.  So this summer, we are are going to section off our landscaping teams into eight (8) areas.

Eight small areas to manage for pulling weeds, turning soil, or watching over the plants and ground cover.   If you, your friends, family, small group or ministry team would like to work with other teams in one of the areas, use the map below to pick one of the areas and sign-up today!

Area Description
#1  Front Street Rock Entrance (2)
#2  Front Entry Corner (2)
#3  Main Entrance Rock Sidewalk (4)
#4  Seating Garden (2)
#5  Office Portico Planter (1)
#6  Back Flower Garden (4)
#7  Kitchen Flower Bed (3)
#8  Front Sidewalk Planters (4)

Each of these areas is small and easy to maintain, and along with your other area team members, you can schedule maintenance at times that are convenient for you!  Pastor Rich and his family have picked up the front street entrance, and can assure you that you will have fun with your family for short periods of time each month over the summer – and you will be making a huge difference in the appearance of our property.

Sign up today for an area and we will put you in contact with the other members of your area team.  If you have any landscaping questions about your area, or about the teams, please email Pastor Rich, and he will put you in contact with our Landscape Team leader Skipper Morris.

Please take a moment to complete the contact form below, and thank you for your interest in helping us to keep our grounds looking nice

Signup Now