A church committed to helping people meet, know, and follow Jesus

Fasting Resources

God’s people all over the world have been seeking spiritual breakthroughs through prayer and fasting since the birth of the church. What is the great matter in front of you? A loved one far from Christ? A critical decision in the life of your family? A relationship that is falling apart? What great matters are in front of our church or ministry?

Our prayer for our Springbrook church family during our 21-day Prayer & Fasting series startied on January 12th, is that we will experience a deeper craving for the fullness of life in Christ, clarity in his leading, and that we will know the fullness of the Holy Spirit!

We’re sorry for the inconvenience, but due to excitement about our series, all of the Prayer & Fasting guides we ordered have been taken and we are out. The good news is that use the eBook link below to download a free digital copy or you can order a hard copy or Kindle version from Amazon. This is a great resource to use with your small group, your family, or on your own.

Helpful links:
Biblical Fasting
Fasting & Types of Fasts
10 Types of Fasts – PDF
Social Media Fast
Springbrook FB Group
Spiritual Disciplines – Whitney

Not sure about fasting? Check out one of our 2020 Bilbe reading plans; Pastor Rich would love to have you join his Youversion Bible reading plan! Click this Bible 2020 link for more information.

Be sure to join our Springbrook Church Family Facebook group to share any insigths you gleaning through our Prayer and Fasting series! Use the hashtag #convergeprayer for any social meadia posts, and we’ll pick up on those. Or use the form below for questions or insights you’d like to share publicly. Be blessed!
