A church committed to helping people meet, know, and follow Jesus

Algongsider Relationship Documents

“Ways of the Alongsider” Triad Leader Training

Ways of the Alongsider books are available from Pastor Rich for $20. We are using the new second edition, so if you have the older edition, you will need to make arrangements to pick up a new copy before you begin a new training triad. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Rich.  Below are the materials that you should be using and reviewing with those you are training:

Triad Relationship Materials

Below are the materials and classes for those in each of our disciple making pathway categories. All of the materials below are available at the book stand in the lobby for $10. You can pay for them at the cafe on Sunday morning, or bring a check by the office during the week.

  • For those in the Connect Category: Assurance, Christian Living, & DFD1   Class: Starting Point
  • For those in the Grow Category: DFD2, DFD3, DFD4, DFD5   Class: How to Study the Bible
  • For those in the Equip Category: DFD6, DFD7     Class: Spiritual Gifts
  • For those in the Go Category: DFD Leaders Guide,  Ways of the Alongsider (above)     Class: GoTo Workshop