Are you a believer who desires to go deeper in your study of the Word? Whether you are brand new to the faith or a seasoned highlighter of Scripture, the How to Study the Bible workshop is for you. In this eight-week workshop we will cover skills and tips to help enrich small group discussions and personal devotional times.

On September 11th, Kid City will move to a full reopening of our 9am & 11am services for infants through 4th grade, and 11am for 5th and 6th grade!
If you have any questions or are interested in serving in Kid City, email our Children’s Director, Michelle Haugh, using this link or the email link above.

If you have a relationship with Christ, this workshop is designed to help you see the opportunities around you to engage in conversation with others! This 3-week workshop will provide you with practical tools and tips for going into our community and sharing the good news about Jesus with others. If you are interested or have questions, complete the contact form below.

Awana Club Volunteers needed! If you have a relationship Christ and are willing to work with kids, you can serve in Awana.
2023-2024 School Year
Clubber registration is for our waitlist only. We will begin to accept a limited number of clubbers from the waitlist only after we have identified our leadership team for the new school year. If you are able to lead or serve in any capacity on Wednesday evenings, please use the contact form below.
Leaders Meeting & Training: 8/30 and 9/6 at 6:30PM
2023-2024 Calendar: Club meets Wednesdays during the school year, starting on September 13th.
FAQ: Important AWANA FAQ
Registration: Waitlist Registration Link
Interest/Questions: Email Link
Volunteer: Use the form below
Contact us at awana@springbrook.org if you have any questions or visit springbrook.org/awana.

Awana Club Volunteers needed! If you have a relationship Christ and are willing to work with kids, you can serve in Awana.
2023-2024 School Year
Clubber registration is for our waitlist only. We will begin to accept a limited number of clubbers from the waitlist only after we have identified our leadership team for the new school year. If you are able to lead or serve in any capacity on Wednesday evenings, please use the contact form below.
Leaders Meeting & Training: 8/30 and 9/6 at 6:30PM
2023-2024 Calendar: Club meets Wednesdays during the school year, starting on September 13th.
FAQ: Important AWANA FAQ
Registration: Waitlist Registration Link
Interest/Questions: Email Link
Volunteer: Use the form below
Contact us at awana@springbrook.org if you have any questions or visit springbrook.org/awana.

Be our guest Sunday at 9 am or 11 am In-person or online at Springbrook.Live.
Kid City Children’s Ministry is available for infants through 4th grade at both services;
5th & 6th grade at 11 am. For more information about Kid City visit Springbrook.org/kidcity.
On the 1st Sunday of each month, we celebrate communion. If you are watching online, gather your supplies, and use this Communion at Home Guide to help lead your time online with us.
On the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month, our prayer team will come forward during the third song to pray with anyone who wants to come forward. If we can pray for you now, go to Springbrook.org/prayer.

Be our guest Sunday at 9 am or 11 am In-person or online at Springbrook.Live.
Kid City Children’s Ministry is available for infants through 4th grade at both services;
5th & 6th grade at 11 am. For more information about Kid City visit Springbrook.org/kidcity.
On the 1st Sunday of each month, we celebrate communion. If you are watching online, gather your supplies, and use this Communion at Home Guide to help lead your time online with us.
On the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month, our prayer team will come forward during the third song to pray with anyone who wants to come forward. If we can pray for you now, go to Springbrook.org/prayer.

Be our guest Sunday at 9 am or 11 am In-person or online at Springbrook.Live.
Kid City Children’s Ministry is available for infants through 4th grade at both services;
5th & 6th grade at 11 am. For more information about Kid City visit Springbrook.org/kidcity.
On the 1st Sunday of each month, we celebrate communion. If you are watching online, gather your supplies, and use this Communion at Home Guide to help lead your time online with us.
On the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month, our prayer team will come forward during the third song to pray with anyone who wants to come forward. If we can pray for you now, go to Springbrook.org/prayer.