Springbrook’s Awana Club is fast-paced and packed with fun, encouragement, and learning. Club meets at the church on Wednesday nights from 6:30pm to 8:00pm during the school year. Springbrook offers Sparks for grades K-2 and Truth & Training for grades 3-6.
For more information visit Springbrook.org/awana.

Be our guest Sunday at 9 am or 11 am In-person or online at Springbrook.Live.
Kid City Children’s Ministry is available for infants through 4th grade at both services;
5th & 6th grade at 11 am. For more information about Kid City visit Springbrook.org/kidcity.
On the 1st Sunday of each month, we celebrate communion. If you are watching online, gather your supplies, and use this Communion at Home Guide to help lead your time online with us.
On the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month, our prayer team will come forward during the third song to pray with anyone who wants to come forward. If we can pray for you now, go to Springbrook.org/prayer.
Help Our Students Show Love to Their Neighbors!
Thrive Student Ministries is collecting non-perishable food and personal care items for the Grafton Food Pantry in Huntley until the end of April. Below is a list of suggested donation items.
There will be a collection box in the Atrium for donations brought in on Sundays, and a collection box will also be available in the Office Lobby for drop-offs Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
Thank you for your support!
If you have any questions, please email Pastor Jeff.
Broths, Dried or Canned Soups
Rice, Pasta & Pasta Sauces
Crackers & Cookies
Peanut Butter, Jellies, Honey
Dry or Hot Cereals
Baking Supplies: Flour, Sugar, Oil, Chocolate Chips, Packaged Mixes, Corn Meal)
Condiments & Seasonings: Ketchup, Salsa, Mustard, BBQ Sauce, Garlic Salt, Garlic powder, Pepper, Paprika, Taco seasoning
Gas cards & Gift Cards for local stores
Paper Towels, Tissues, Toilet Paper
Household Cleaning Products
Laundry Detergent, Dish Soap & Sponges
Glass or Plastic Food Bags & Storage Containers
Garbage Bags of all sizes
Aluminum Foil & Plastic Wrap
Body Wash, Deodorant, Lotions
Shampoo & Conditioner
Combs, Brushes, Hair Products
Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Mouthwash, Dental Floss
Razors & Shaving Cream
Feminine Hygiene Products

Springbrook’s Awana Club is fast-paced and packed with fun, encouragement, and learning. Club meets at the church on Wednesday nights from 6:30pm to 8:00pm during the school year. Springbrook offers Sparks for grades K-2 and Truth & Training for grades 3-6.
For more information visit Springbrook.org/awana.

Be our guest Sunday at 9 am or 11 am In-person or online at Springbrook.Live.
Kid City Children’s Ministry is available for infants through 4th grade at both services;
5th & 6th grade at 11 am. For more information about Kid City visit Springbrook.org/kidcity.
On the 1st Sunday of each month, we celebrate communion. If you are watching online, gather your supplies, and use this Communion at Home Guide to help lead your time online with us.
On the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month, our prayer team will come forward during the third song to pray with anyone who wants to come forward. If we can pray for you now, go to Springbrook.org/prayer.

Springbrook’s Awana Club is fast-paced and packed with fun, encouragement, and learning. Club meets at the church on Wednesday nights from 6:30pm to 8:00pm during the school year. Springbrook offers Sparks for grades K-2 and Truth & Training for grades 3-6.
For more information visit Springbrook.org/awana.
Wednesday prayer gatherings are held regularly on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. The prayer group prays over individual, ministry, regional, and missional prayer requests.eed to pray out loud.

Be our guest Sunday at 9 am or 11 am In-person or online at Springbrook.Live.
Kid City Children’s Ministry is available for infants through 4th grade at both services;
5th & 6th grade at 11 am. For more information about Kid City visit Springbrook.org/kidcity.
On the 1st Sunday of each month, we celebrate communion. If you are watching online, gather your supplies, and use this Communion at Home Guide to help lead your time online with us.
On the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month, our prayer team will come forward during the third song to pray with anyone who wants to come forward. If we can pray for you now, go to Springbrook.org/prayer.
Join us for the Spring Worship Night on Thursday, May 15th, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. We will emphasize prayer, taking time during worship to pray for the global Church, schools, communities, and families. It will be a wonderful time of worship together!

Join us for Family Friendly Fundays beginning February 23!
This event offers a wonderful opportunity for families to connect and build friendships within our church community.
These events will take place immediately following each service on designated Sundays and will last no longer than 30 minutes.