A Christ-centered church committed to helping people meet, know, and follow Jesus

The Ukraine Conflict

March 12th

We received an update from one of our Converge partners at the Baptist Union of Ukraine.

Converge has partnered with local leaders and churches in Ukraine for decades through sister churches, ministry leaders and global workers. Now, we continue to serve our Ukrainian brothers and sisters in the current crisis.

Through your financial support of the work God is doing at Springbrook, Springbrook is currently serving to meet the needs of ministries and families in Ukraine.

If you are interested in providing financial support above and beyond our partnership, you can give directly to a relief fund that has been established by Converge to directly assist both those who remain within the Ukrainian borders and people who are displaced.

February 26th

Missionary Update

We don’t have Converge staff in Ukraine or Russia, but we many workers that are very active in both nations and in neighboring lands. In Russia Converge is working with Church planting and leader development in St. Petersburg, Moscow, and in Omsk, Siberia.

In Ukraine, we are engaged with evangelical leaders in disciple-making, church planting, and sending workers into neighboring countries in Central Asia. Additionally, we do have Converge workers in neighboring nations. Converge’s commitment to support and equip the Church in Ukraine and Russia remains the same. Our goal is to help indigenous leaders catalyze gospel movements in their own nation and to neighboring peoples.

At this point, we have no workers immediately in danger. All other global workers in our region are also not currently in danger currently. We are monitoring news channels and receive regular communications from the US embassy. All Converge global workers are required to have evacuation plans before they get to the field. Our missionaries have them and are ready if they need to enact those plans. However, we do not foresee a need for them currently.

A glimpse of God at work in Ukraine

Peter Hanson completed a project in Ukraine recently, involving Alys West and Stephen’s Home. This is a home for men with special needs, and it was designed to feel like a true home with communal space, lovely bedrooms, and an incredible attention to detail. One of the beautiful aspects of the construction of this home was the ministry leaders’ desire for it to be a picture to the community. It was designed with care, dignity, and beauty so the community could see how God cared for these men.

In an update we received from Alys West on 02/25/22, Alys told us while she is safe in the US right now, Stephen’s Home is currently serving the community as a shelter. As the home was built, this use was not anticipated. Nevertheless, God is using it bring the community into a place designed to show love and care. These young men can welcome people into their home. The house-parents can care for and minister to these families. We’re praising God for this opportunity.

We’ve heard from many leaders across Ukraine that they will stay and continue their work of caring for fellow believers, serving the community, and sharing the love of Christ. Let’s do the same.

Prayer Requests from the field

For the conflict

  • For peace in the conflict, that God would work in the hearts of the leaders and people whose selfishness and pride cause destruction
  • For displaced families and damaged communities, that God would give hope even now
  • For God to comfort those facing tragedy and pain

For our workers

  • For the global workers who are near the conflict as they make decisions for their families and ministries
  • That we all lean into Christ as our source of our hope and peace

For our brothers and sisters in Christ

  • For the safety of local pastors, church leaders and believers in Ukraine who may be at greater risk as they seek to serve their community
  • That God would grant church leaders in both nations wisdom as they counsel their churches, families, and friends during this time
  • The body of believers in Ukraine that has grown to be able to send out workers to neighboring countries, including Russia and other nations that are difficult for  American missionaries to reach – may they remain a light to those around them

For God to be glorified through it all

  • That while political tensions rise, we all stay united with our fellow believers, desiring to serve God and each other well as members of the Body of Christ
  • For God to use this time of uncertainty to draw more people to Him – that this conflict would point people to the One in whom we can truly put our hope and certainty, our Father in Heaven

Thank you for joining us in prayer for the people of these nations!
Peter & Heather Hanson
(sign-up for the Hanson’s Newsletter)

Converge Worldwide is supported through our Springbrook Community Church budget as a global missions movement reaching our world for Jesus Christ.  For more information about Springbrook missions and missionaries, visit www.springbrook.org/missions