A church committed to reaching our community for Jesus Christ and building passionate disciples

Video Announcement

Springbrook Community Church exists to reach our community for Christ and build passionate disciples. We are affiliated with Converge worldwide, a movement of churches committed to starting and strengthening churches worldwide. Springbrook is a growing, multiplication focused, sending church.

In the context of God’s desire for this local Body of Christ, we have the opportunity to commission and send two of our awesome staff out to fulfill the calling God has placed on their lives! Pastor Matt Johnson and our worship director Bethany Timmons, both have exciting opportunities to have a significant kingdom impact with where God is leading them next. Our Springbrook family is both saddened to see them leave, but at the same time we are excited about seeing our vision and mission come to fruition!

FAQ Sheet
Click this LINK for a short list of frequently asked questions

Job Descriptions
We are currently working with our various church and leadership networks to fill these important roles, but if you know anyone that might be qualified and interested, feel free to pass on our job posting webpage, www.springbrook.org/jobs

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any member of our elder board. www.springbrook.org/elders