No sooner did toilet paper get back on the shelf, did the next wave of shopping hit stores with the governor’s stay at home order coming out! Some of the scenes, even with the required social distancing, are interesting to say the least.
Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint,” and I can’t help but wonder what it looks like when “people cast off restraint.” But here’s the thing; restraint gets cast off when there is no prophetic vision – but blessing comes from keeping the law!
I want to invite you to join us at 9am on for a live stream of our worship services each Sunday, as we focus our eyes on God and His word. Our staff has been working diligently with our leaders this past week (you can watch a video update here), and you’ll want to make sure you check back routinely for important ministry updates and opportunities. The best way to stay connected is do download our Springbrook Church app, where you will find all things Springbrook!
Stand firm friends, and may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ continue to strengthen, encourage and guide you.
On the journey together,
Pastor Rich