A church committed to reaching our community for Jesus Christ and building passionate disciples

Pre Easter Updates!

Below are a few ministry highlights for this week and I’ve uploaded a video to Facebook and Vimeo for you viewing pleasure!
Here are the links:


  • Our elder board has extended our Sunday morning online services only through the end of April. We will evaluate community health governmental recommendations at the end of the month to make plans for May.
  • Our small groups and ministry teams are doing an outstanding job stretching their relationships and providing pastoral care, and shepherding, If you have not heard from your leader in the last 2 weeks, please call them to make sure they are okay!!
  • Our elders, staff, and leaders are all working diligently to make sure no one at Springbrook is going through this season alone! Building and strengthening relationships have been and will continue to be a priority for us at Springbrook!
  • We have been able to connect with MANY new families in this season and need to next focus on engagement. This is a great opportunity to invite friends, neighbors and coworkers to join us for one of online services, and an outstanding time to connect with and serve others in our community. If you are aware of any needs or opportunities, we want to hear from you! Take advantage of the connecting points on our website.
  • Our blood drive scheduled next Tuesday is almost 50% full. The need for blood donations is high, and we have been asked to host a second blood drive on the May 7th. PLEASE HELP US GET THE WORD OUT!
  • Everyone hopefully has their supplies ready for our Good Friday service tomorrow. We still have wrist bands outside the office if you want to pick one up beforehand.
  • We have an exciting Easter service planned, and will be kicking off a new Peacemaker series after Easter. Visit www.springbrook.org/easter and www.springbrook.org/aftereaster for more information.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week!  Feel free to contact your ministry team leader or any of our elders or staff if you have any questions, comments or concerns.

Be blessed!
Pastor Rich